Archive for the 'Daily Log' Category

Day 12

We arrived last night at Steve’s sister (Debbie) and brother (Tim) in law. There was a great meal for us and lots of friendly folks. Had a great night’s sleep.

The next morning Steve found a place in Everett to get a new rear tire. It was after noon by the time he got back, so we decided to spend the rest of the day there and then leave in the morning.

Got a chance to rinse off the bike, do a little maintainence and just relax for a day.

Had a great time with some great folks. – unfortunately we didn’t get any pictures since we were having so much fun.

It was early to bed so we could get up early tomorrow to hit the road.

The flat tire, the great views, and over filling our time has required us to revamp our schedule. We intend to leave here tomorrow and head back towards Montana to do the Chief Joseph and Beartooth Highways. We have dumped the plans to do the west coast. Between the lack of time and the heat (having to wear helmets in CA, WA, and OR) we opted to return to the mountains and spend our time and money there.

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