Archive for the 'Daily Log' Category

Day 16

Left Cody about 6:30 mst. There was a nasty lookin sky to our east and it looked like we were headed right for each other. We got to the Big Horns first and they held it back whilst we beat feat eastward. It was very cold up there, the coldest we have had to ride in all trip, even got out the fleece. There is now proof positive of Steve and the Moose (don’t ask) The miles are now the goal. The wind today was ferocious on the plains. Got to Murdo, SD 6:30 cst.  Days total 528 miles and trip total 5388. Fill in the rest later.

big horn basin

big horn range

day 16 start

ominous 1

ominous 2

big horn basin history - sign


moose 1

moose 2

small town

the other half
joshua special - wall drug


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