Archive for July, 2007

Day 15

Up and on the road by 6:30. Went into Yellowstone via the north entrance and left via the east entrance. Did the Bearthooth Highway to Red Lodge and then to Cody. It’s late right now and we are into the 700 + miles a day run home so I’ll have to fill in the rest later – here are some of the pics from the day.

left Livingston, MT @ 6:30 mst arrived Cody, WY 5 mst for a days total of 244 miles and a trip total of 4860

there are a couple of new videos from the Beartooth Pass uploaded to the Video page. The noise you hear is the wind whipping bye. It was windy. Very windy. Breezy even.

beartooth panorama

oter beartooth panorama

first stop in yellowstone

elk in dahntahn yellowstone 1

elk in dahntahn yellowstone

the yellowstone road

petrified tree in a cage

burned aht forest

nice guy

first stop in yellowstone other

petrified tree’s view

bison ona bridge

bison ona sidea de road

you talkin ta me?

flahrs inat


more mountains

mirror shot

beartooth view

flahrs inat 2

flahrs inat 3

flahrs inat 4

beartooth view 1

windy tree

the long and winding road

the long and straight way down

almost to cody

more almost to cody

yellowstone panorama

sun in yellowstone


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